
In addition to the Basic CAM & Robot integration, it is possible to follow additional IR training. IR stands for Internal Robot Responsible and is the person who is the internal and external point of contact for the package. For this, 3 different degrees of training are offered.


Name of the training:
IR Basic

Training is given by:
Spil Robotics

Skills are mastered on the basis of a fixed demonstration product, which contains a number of standard operations. All necessary tools and basic materials are taken by Spil Robotics.

Understanding the workflow, based on a standard test case/milling program.

Independent input and running of a milling program on your own set-up.
Able to independently fix errors during execution.

On site / face to face

2 working days

For whom:
For the Internal Robot Responsible (IR)


  • SprutCAM program can adjust
  • Generate Robot Program from SprutCAM
  • Enter program into the robot
  • Running the program
  • Check correct execution
  • Workflow SprutCAM/Robot and robot operation with different scenarios